“Thank you so much for your incredibly detailed assessment of the E-type Jaguar 4.2. I had a feeling it was a good car but your report gave me the peace of mind to part with the money. I couldn’t be happier with it.”
— Mr Dacs

Some of my happy clients


“My potential buyer bought the MGB by the way, thanks for your very fair assessment of my car and it’s valuation. I feel we both got a fair deal. Thanks again.”

— Mr Peterson

“…the speed with which you put that report together was just incredible - I didn’t believe it would really be ready for Court in time…. You know the result we achieved which was very much down to your late night and hard work.”

— Mr Baxter

“I think the Porsche came out very well. The work you suggested has made it an attractive sale proposition - though I may just keep it myself now!”

— Mr Marshall